
Get in touch with its many benefits.

Whether it’s as a result of stress, muscle imbalance, poor posture, overuse, overloading or nerve root irritation, when everything gets tight and stiff there is no arguing in the benefits of a good deep massage.

Massage is proven to not only to relieving pain and tension, but also to improve circulation, lower blood pressure, improve immune function and help assist the body in the removal of toxins and by-products of metabolism. As a result of its effectiveness most physiotherapy sessions typically include a massage component as standard practice.

“FIRMER IS BETTER” I don’t think anyone has ever accused me of massaging too softly and in most instances the goal is to work as deep into the tissue as possible without causing too much pain and reflexive spasm.

I utilise a variety of techniques during a typical massage session employing my elbows where possible and my thumbs and a massage gun where appropriate. My style of massage would best be described using the following terms:

  • Deep tissue massage

  • Sports massage

  • Trigger point massage

  • Fascial release or Fascial Distortion Model (FDM)

While massage/Heilmassage (HM) is typically covered to some degree by all insurances providers in Austria when prescribed by a doctor, if you are simply after a massage session you do not require a medical prescription in order to make an appointment with me.

For patients wanting lymph drainage massage exclusively, I would recommend our Heilmasseur at beaktiv - Benjamin Wilhelm 0664 1404 783