Treatments are one on one, completely individualized and based upon the findings in our assessment, your personal goals and day to day physical presentation. All treatment options and methods are open for discussion and I do my best to explain the benefits of and clinical reasoning behind all of my techniques. I try to keep my programmes as simple, functional, efficient and effective as possible.

What I treat and have to offer.

Since finishing my physiotherapy degree in 2002 most of work experience has been focused in the area musculoskeletal physiotherapy. Specifically in the management of back, neck and lower limb problems as they are the most frequently seen. Below is a short and by no means complete list of some of the more common conditions I regularly treat.

  • Back pain - Among the many causes of spinal pain the treatment or disc bulges/ disc herniations and disc prolapses which are often referred to as slipped discs is one of my special areas of interest and expertise. 40% of all neck and back pain is said to be caused by the vertebral discs with percentages being even higher in the younger population between 25 and 50 years of age.

  • Neck, shoulder and elbow - pain in this region is commonly referred to as ‘cervical syndrome’ because of their relation to one and other biomechanically and as a direct result of the neural system. Causes include excessive muscle tension, stress, disc disease, poor office posture and with time can lead to joint degeneration. Other than localised pain and stiffness symptoms often include headaches which last days or weeks, vertigo, referred pain into the arms and a general feeling of heavyness.

  • Postural issues - Forget what you have been told in the past. If you find sitting straight exhausting and unrealistically difficult chances are you were taught wrong. I'll show you not only how to sit correctly but how to do it easily with the use of sitting cushions and explain exactly why it's so important. Plus if you are interested I can recommend a variety of chairs to fit your needs and budget.

  • Foot and lower limb problems including - flat feet, heel spurs/ heel pain, Achilles tendinitis/tendinosis and biomechanical problems of the foot leading to joint and soft tissue overload is another special area of interest and expertise of mine. When it comes to treatment I find the use Formthotic innersoles which is a brand innersoles which are individually fitted and moulded to your foot via heat and pressure to be very helpful. The innersoles can also be adjusted and fitted in a single session for immediate results.

  • Patellofemoral syndrome /Runners Knee (Pain under and around the knee cap)

  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tears and repairs

  • Painful hips - Periformis syndrome and hip impingement syndrome

  • Ankle pain, instability or stiffness following injury

  • Rotator cuff tears of the shoulder

  • Balance training and preventing falls in the elderly

  • Exercises for Osteoporosis management - Balance and body weight exercises are the key

  • Elbow pain - Tennis elbow, Golfers elbow, Mouse elbow, lateral epicondylitis

  • Shoulder impingement syndrome

  • Scoliosis of the spine

  • Core instability. Having weak abdominals is a common cause of back pain and spinal instability. Weather you have acute back pain or simply a long history of recurring pain I can show you how to strengthen your mid section the correct way with exercises specific to your level of ability, health history, and without the use of old school crunches and planking exercises which will likely only make your problem worse.

  • Ergonomic assessments - I regularly perform workplace assessments for both the Canadian and New Zealand Embassy. Giving advice on postural improvements and work station adjustments without seeing the problem first hand can often be difficult or even pointless. If your work demands are causing you pain and problems then there is no substitute for having your setup assessed in your actual office with you sitting at your desk.

  • Chronic Achilles pain (Tendinopothie/ Tendinitis) - If you follow the programme it will substantially improve, I guarantee it!

Lower limb biomechanical assessment and treatment